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What We Offer

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(919) 402-6252



Available Packages


Laser Lipo utilizes infrared light energy and radio frequency energy to shrink fat cells in the area of treatment. Clients will secrete the fatty tissue through sweat, stool, and urine during the week following treatment. Results may vary from person to person.


Lipo Cavitation (Ultrasonic Cavitation) utlizes ultrasound waves to blast or "liquify" fat cells. Cavitation utilizes ultrasonic waves to remove and destroy the adipose tissue membrane. Clients will secrete the destroyed fatty tissue through sweat, stool, and urine during the week following treatment. Results may vary from person to person.


Radio Frequency is an aesthetic that use Radio Frequency energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries. results may vary from person to person.


The Ionic Foot Detox removes the toxins from the body. It also, improves health, reduce inflammation, ease muscle and joint pain, arthritis pain, headaches, increase energy, and better rest.


We use two different cellulite reduction techniques at our location. ​#1 Lipo Cavitatiojn with Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, and Vacuum Therapy.​#2 Infrared Sauna Wrap with slimming cream applied to the treatment area, them wrapped with the plastic or osmatic wrap. Burn 1200-1500 calories per session. Results may vary from person to person.


V-Steam (vaginal steam) helps to restore bacterial associated with menstruation and ph balance to aid in prevention of infections and odors. Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation. Decreases heavy menstrual flow. Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles. Detoxication of the womb and body. More rapid healing and a toning of reproductive system after giving birth. Ease discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis. Promotes healing of vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-Section scar. Relief for symptons of menopause including dryness or pain. Can tighten the vaginal canal.


Vacuum Therapy stimulates the muscles, breaks the cellulite and fat deposits, removes toxins and improves lymphatic drainage. Vacuum Therapy also helps restore the natural elasticity of the skin to soften the appearance of wrinkles and "orange peel" dimples. Results may vary from person to person. 


MesoLipo is a serum designed to treat the body in areas with a tendency to fat cells accumulation and cellulite creation. Recommended for slimming treatments for women and men of all ages. Waist Trainer, Shape Wear, or some type of tight compression is required to wear following Meso treatment. Also, Skin Tightening is required to help control the skin as it become loose while getting rid of fat. Results may vary from person to person.


The Sauna Blanket will help loose pounds, inches, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It will also aid with lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, ease muscle and joint pain, arthritis pain, and headaches. It helps clean the body of toxins and has also been proven to improve your mood. Burn 1200-1500 calories per session. The Sauna Blanket is used at spas, wellness clinics and physical therapy locations. Results may vary from person to person.

Contact for price

Pick 2

2 Services

Lase Lipo

Ultrasonic Cavitation

RF Skin Tightening

Infrared Sauna Wrap

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Monthly Pick Two

2 Services 2x weekly per month

Lase Lipo

Ultrasonic Cavitation

RF Skin Tightening

Infrared Sauna Wrap

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Sauna Wrap

Limited 2x weekly per month


Ionic Foot Detox

Once weekly per month

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Ultimate  Package

Limited 3 Services up to
2x weekly per month

2-MesoLipo Therapy

3-Lase Lipo


6-RF Skin Tightening

6-Infrared Sauna Wrap

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Pick 3

3 Services

Lase Lipo

Ultrasonic Cavitation

RF Skin Tightening

Infrared Sauna Wrap

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Monthly Pick Three

3 Services 2x weekly per month

Lase Lipo

Ultrasonic Cavitation

RF Skin Tightening

Infrared Sauna Wrap

Contact for price

Ultra Pack

Limited 2 Services
2x weekly per month

1-MesoLipo Therapy

1-Laser Lipo


1-RF Skin Tightening

1-Infrared Sauna Wrap

Small Group are welcome!!
Drink plenty of WATER!!!
We highly recommend for the best results.
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